Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dusty the kitten.

This week we got to be honorary pet owners of Dusty the kitten.
Okay, by technical standards he is a cat, but don't tell Brittany because she thinks he is a kitten.
And what a kitten he is.
Meow, Meow, Meowmeowmeowmeow, Meow. 
This is how I have been greeted every morning and evening for the past 10 days.  I kinda like it.
Although kitten mainly stayed downstairs in his own home 
(i'm not good at getting woken up to meowing at 5am)
he did spend quite a few afternoons and evenings with the two of us.
He mostly slept (apparently cats can sleep up to 20 hours a day), but was so lovable when awake.
Helping me write a blog posting.
Holding hands while watching Jeopardy.
Ignoring Dan (I think kitten prefers the ladies).
Just another little kitten nap.
His reaction when I told him Brittany & Ron were coming back a day later.
Back to his cat-nap (quite literally).

And for all you out there wondering about cats, here are some fun facts:
  • The high rate of Polydactyl cats in Boston, MA has led people to refer to 8 toed cats as "Boston Thumb Cats"
  • The taste buds of cats cannot detect sugar (no wonder he didn't like the cupcake I made him)
  • Cats can see in the dark (that is 1/6th the light level humans can see at)
  • President Lincoln kept 4 cats in the White House
  • Cats purr at the same frequency as an idling diesel engine (26 purrs a second!)
  • Cats can hear ultrasonic sounds (dogs and humans cannot)
  • Cats can run at 30 miles per hour
  • The Pilgrims introduced cats to North America
Oh, Dusty.  What a little cuddler.  You can come hang anytime you'd like.

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