Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pool day.

So, I was just heading to the pool for my regular swim.
1 hour, 3000 yards, only my thoughts.
If you knew me, you would know this takes lots of concentration because I prefer to talk.
Alas, I would swim.
Well, I thought I would swim.
I didn't know I would be swimming with 60 children from the local community center.
I forgot it was February vacation.
And kids LOVE to swim.
The pool was looking a bit more like this.

How the heck was I supposed to swim laps with this?
Well, luckily there were 2 little lanes that were practically empty.
So, I started out my swim.
Got back to the shallow end after a bit and a little boy swims right up to me.
In his life jacket.  In the shallow end.
He says, "Is that the DEEP end?!"
Me: "No buddy, it's still the shallow end like you're in, but I swim laps down to the deep end."
Boy in life jacket: "Wow, you must have passed the SWIM TEST!"
(he pretty much made me feel like the Queen of the pool in about 5 seconds)
Yup, I pretty much rocked that test.

Then, my swim was going fantastic.
I had passed my own swim test and made it about 45 minutes into my swim.
Until a band-aid floated into my lane.
And hit me in the face.
I felt the need to dunk myself in a Chlorhexidine bath.

I finally finish up my swim (sans band-aid) and head to the locker room.
I have my hair flipped over, all wet, trying to brush it out before blow drying it.
This girl, about 7ish, comes up to me and lifts my hair up, looks at me and says, 
"Did you have fun swimming?"
Me (startled):  "Yes, I did, it was a hard workout"
Girl:  "I got to go in the deep end.  I had to pass a SWIM test.
Me:  "Wow, nice work!  Are you happy to be on school break?"
Girl:  "Oh, I'm home schooled."
Me: "That's great, you must be excited for Winter to be almost over to it will be pool weather outside soon."
Girl:  "It's not Winter, it's Spring."
Me:  "Well, it's February, so it's technically Winter and will be Spring in March."
Girl:  "Well, from my mom's perspective, it's Spring."
Me: "Yeah, I can see how that perspective is nice."
Girl:  "I want to be a ballerina."
Me: "Awesome, that would be so fun to get to dance for your job!"
Girl:  "Umm, no, I want to take ballerina class."
(and then she walks out of the locker room)
I was told by a 7 year old.

I guess I should be glad school vacation only lasts for a week . . . 
Oh, children, you are always so humbling.

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